We’ve all added a tag or two in Creatio, that is mispelled, or we’ve cut the word too short by hitting a return key too soon. Whether you suffer from OCD or similar, and cannot move on when you make a simple error, here is a step by step process on how to delete a tag in Creatio.
I personally cannot stand to have this abomination show on my dropdown list, and I have found Creatio’s documentation lacking on showing step by step how to delete a tag, so here’s my version of it.
First, it’s important to access the list of the right object –that is to open the dashboard/list of the object where you added the messy tag in the first place. I’ll show an example of deleting a tag from ‘Contacts’ .
Here are the steps:
Navigate to the object in question – Contacts. Then on the filters/folders menu select: “Switch to advanced mode”:

Click on “Add condition”.

This will open a pop up.

On the pop up screen don’t select a column just yet.
Open a new object by clicking a “+” next to Contact. This will pop up another field with ‘select object’ drop down

Here (where it says “select object”) start typing “Con…” and select “Contacts section record tag (by column object)”. This is for the example of looking for a Contacts tag to delete. If you need to delete a tag elsewhere replace this with typing “Leads section…” or “Opportunity section…” etc., whichever is the object you’re using at the moment (if you try looking up ‘tag’ it won’t return anything, you need to start typing the word it starts with, as the dropdown words with “begins with’ command, in this case object name.

In the column dropdown select “Quantity”, and then hit the green “Select” button above.

Your filter should look like this, as it defaults to ‘count’:

Now change that ‘count’ to ‘exists’:

And then click on the “=” next to AND:

This will pop open another window, in this drop down select “Tag”:

And hit the green “Select” button again.
Now, click on the question mark next to the tag Tag = <?>:

This will pop up the window showcasing all your tags. Use the filter to find the ones you want to delete. In this case, I want to delete ‘ex’ or ‘exclude’ versions of our “Exclude – Active Opp Promo” tag.
I selected the ones I want to delete (6 tags) and in the actions dropdown menu I selected “Delete” option

The system will ask you to confirm deletion:

Once you hit that blue “yes” button, you’re all set. ‘Delete a tag in Creatio’ mission accomplished!